Diet: Flat Belly, Romee Strijd & Avocado

Nutrition – A healthy diet is an important building block for our health and well-being. You want to become a model? We’ll introduce you to a conscious diet. Most of the time we eat what our body feels like, but not what it might really need. Why we eat, what, when and how much depends on two factors – perception and feelings.

But also a number of psychological and social aspects play an important role. Here you can learn how to eat a balanced and healthy diet and lose a gram or two of body fat. More about Home Training here. Back to Nutrition and back to the Beauty Guide.

Nutrition – Romee Strijd

A healthy diet is the be-all and end-all. Supermodel Romee Strijd agrees. Berries, acai powder, chia seeds and nuts for breakfast are a regular part of the Dutch model’s diet. Let Romee Strijd take you along and learn all about a healthy and balanced diet without going hungry. The model is not only known for her diet tips, but also for her flawless and firm skin. Romee Strijd also gives tips and tricks on facial massages with the help of the beauty tool, the Gua Sha.

Lose belly fat in 10 days

Simple and easy! The best drink to lose weight and belly fat in just a few days. All you need to do is drink the lemon water 20-30 minutes before breakfast. What you need:

  • A warm glass of water
  • Squeeze half a lime/lemon
  • One teaspoon honey
  • 2 lime/lemon slices

Diet plan for the model figure

You are a beauty model? Or you want to have a figure like a model? Then you’ve come to the right place! Here you will find meals that you can prepare in advance and tips on how to put them together. There are a number of possibilities, as well as combinations, and with only a few ingredients. Get your personal dream figure!

Skin care tips: Healthy skin and more

You want to finally do something good for your body again. Then let yourself be inspired by nutrition tips, workouts, tummy tuck to the best abdominal care products.

Stretching: Stretch Routine & Yoga

Stretching is supposed to stretch muscles, tendons and ligaments, make them more supple and thus more efficient. Or in other words, stretching exercises should help to give the body the suppleness that is necessary for good coordination and fun in sports. In this article, you’ll find 3 videos all about stretching. First, a 5-minute video with a stretching routine that you can integrate into your daily routine. Next, stretching exercises inspired by yoga and finally a few exercises for better posture in everyday life, because standing up straight makes you look taller, fitter and more confident.

Diet for healthy skin: recipes

The foods you eat affect your skin. In addition to drinking plenty of water, you can also provide your skin with all the ingredients it needs through delicious drinks and superfoods. Learn quick and easy delicious drink recipes that will revolutionize your skin’s appearance here. General tips on substances your skin needs to be healthy are also given to you by a dermatologist herself. No more blemishes! Back to Nutrition and back to the Beauty Guide.

Natural cosmetics: Foundation and more

We show you how to make your own natural makeup at home that perfectly suits your skin. We also introduce you to labels that sell natural cosmetics with natural ingredients that are healthy for your skin.

Nutrition: beautiful skin, diet and more

Here you come back to the nutrition overview.